What do we need to do, to think about, to know, to practice… if we are to establish self-determining lives and communities? How do we train for liberation?
WHAT IS / HOW TO. Clarifying Revolutionary Definitions and Directions
MEXICAN CONSCIOUSNESS. Investigate and re-connect with the strong roots colonization suppressed, but has not destroyed.
THEORY AND HISTORY OF REVOLUTION. French, American, Haitian, Mexican, Russian, Algerian, Cuban, Zapatista, Kurdish… It’s happened and it’s going to happen. Which revolution should we make?
FREEDOM AS GROUP PRAXIS / EDUCATION AS THE PRACTICE OF FREEDOM. Red Power, Black Power, and Anarch0-Communism agree: the power we need to develop is the power to understand and control our contexts, starting right here and right now.
THEORY OF IDEOLOGY. How control over education and media facilitate the production of submissive thoughts and submissive people… and how to stop submitting.
COMMUNITY, DEMOCRACY, RHYTHM. What forms of organization are possible? Can we really be together and equal? How do we come to feel and act like a community, after we’ve been pulled so far apart?